Thursday, January 5, 2012

Special Guests/Field Trips in January

Our class will have a few exciting events in January and two of them are happening on the same day. In grade three, part of the Social Studies curriculum is to learn about communities in other cultures and how they compare to our own communities. Students are to learn about communities in both developed and developing countries. My sister and her husband recently traveled to Kenya where they volunteered for three months. They helped in schools, medical clinics, with the homeless and with construction products. They will be coming to our class to talk about their experience in the morning on January 20th. In the afternoon on the 20th, we will be going to SARCAN for a tour. In our Structures and materials unit we have learned about recycled materials and how they can be used for building new things (we even learned about a house built out of old tires!).
Mr. Musqua will also be coming into our room to talk about the structure of a tipi and the symbolism of a tipi. This is also related to our structures unit.
We will also be taking a couple of trips to the skating rink- please see the calendar sent home for specific dates!

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