Friday, April 19, 2013


We have been working on the unit of division. We have used multiple ways to learn division (Grouping, Sharing, Repeated Subtraction and Relating it to Multiplication). We have been applying our knowledge through facts, problems and journals. Check out some pictures of our math wall, journals and problems.

We will be wrapping up our division unit with an assessment next week.




We are still waiting for the snow to melt so we can finsih the construction of our garden. We will be organizing a parent and student work bee when it does- we will keep you all posted. In the meantime, we continue to start plants indoors so they can be transplanted when the snow melts. Our tomates overgrew our greenhouse. We transplanted and staked them into icecream pails and put them in windows throughout the school so they continue to grow in sunlight.

We have now also started chives which have sprouted and are growing in the green house. We just started spinach, lettuce and basil in the greenhouse as well. A few have sprouted- probably when we get back from the weekend we will see lots of tiny plants.

Check out some pictures of our plants.


We are learning about forces in Science. We have discussed Friction, Magnetism and Static Electricity. The main focus on the unit is Magnetism. We have done may experiments. At the start of the unit, the students got a chance to explore and play with the magnets.


We have been using RAN folders as a research method. The students start by writing down what they know about their topic (What I think I know) and then by asking questions (Wonderings). They then used videos, websites and books to find factual information about the topic. This was put under new information. If they were able to confirm information from What I think I know, they moved it to Confirmed information. Anything that they thought they knew that they find out is wrong is moved to misconceptions. If you would like to learn more about the process see this wikki

The students were grouped into three topic groups: Friction, Static Electricity and Magnets.

Once they finished their research they organized the sticky notes from confirmed and new information onto a piece of chart paper in sub-topics. They were then give the choice of whether they wanted to create a power point presentation, a poster or write a paragraph. Check out some of the pictures of the process.


Sorry I haven't been great at updating you this last month. With Easter break and parent teacher interviews I let this blog go a little. I will be making several posts today to update you on what we have been doing.