Thursday, September 6, 2012

Classroom Makeover!

I spent a lot of time this summer creating a environment that the students would find warm, relaxing and calming to work in. I thought I would share some pictures with you.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school. I am very excited to have a new bunch of grade three's this year. And after the first week, I can say, a great bunch they are! We have had such a great start to the school year already.
A few highlights of week one:
  • Checking out the vermi composting worms. EWWWW
  • Harvesting the garden last year's grade three's made
  • Playing mind reader
  • Learning two new math games
  • Using magnifying glasses to examine different types of soil
  • Learning about Leah Dorion's art work
A big thank to to all the families for completing your child's home reading each night! Keep up the great work. Coming soon... pictures of our classroom, art work and math patterns!